Lars Mittank Story: The Disappearance of a German Tourist (Latest Updates)

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A thirty-second video clip showing a man named Lars Mittank, who is now 28 years old and hails from northern Germany, running from an airport terminal directly towards a forest has sparked a variety of theories concerning his disappearance over the years, despite the fact that he has not been found.

According to reports, the video clips from the terminal, where the man disappeared, have been viewed more than 16 million times, which is what led to him being named “the world’s most famous missing tourist.”

The last time anyone saw Mittank or found out any information about him was when they watched the clip that was taken from CCTV footage at the Varna Airport in Bulgaria. In the video, the man, who is 28 years old, can be seen dashing through the footage while wearing a yellow t-shirt. He appears to be in obvious fear for his life as he runs over a security fence and into the woods.

According to reports, Mittank abandoned a backpack as well as a suitcase, both of which contained important items like his wallet, passport, and phone. However, none of his belongings were able to shed any light on the mystery of his disappearance.

When a trip to Eastern Europe with the family ends in a mystery that hasn’t been solved to this day, it is every parent’s worst nightmare. In 2014, Lars Mittank went on vacation with his friends to Bulgaria, but he never made it back to the United States.

More than 10,000 people are reported missing in Germany at any given time, according to official statistics. As of the first of March in the year 2020, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) was handling 11,500 cases involving missing persons. Every day, between 200 and 300 new cases is being added, while the same number of previously solved cases are being removed.

According to the reports, Mittank and his friend took a flight from their home in Itzehoe, which is located in northern Germany, to the Bulgarian seaside resort of Golden Sands in the month of July 2014.

The vacation was going great for the group of friends until one night when Lars got into a fight that resulted in him getting hurt. When Mittank became separated from the rest of his group while they were eating at a McDonald’s, a group of fans from the German sports club Werder Bremen are said to have gotten into a fight with fans of Bayern Munich, according to various reports.

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Lars Mittank Story, The German Tourist Disappearance (Latest Updates)

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After taking a blow to the head, Mittank was diagnosed with a ruptured eardrum and may have suffered a concussion as a result. After that, he was forced to stay in Bulgaria while the rest of his friends flew back to their home countries because he had been prescribed an antibiotic called Cefuroxime 500.

According to the reports, a medical professional advised the young man to forego boarding the plane because the changes in air pressure would have caused discomfort to his ear.

In the end, Mittank checked into a budget hotel close to the Varna Airport called Hotel Color. As he was doing so, he witnessed his friends for the final time as they boarded the plane.

In a later interview with German television, one of Mittank’s other friends in the group described Lars as being in a “good mood” and describing himself as “relaxed” when they left him.

Nevertheless, Mittank’s mother received a terrifying phone call from her son later on while he was in his hotel room. Her son, who was in a state of panic, informed her that he was being followed by some individuals who were attempting to kill him. It is said that he instructed his mother to cut off all of his bank cards.

Sandra Mittank, Mittank’s mother, was interviewed by German television and said, “I thought, god, my son is in danger. Over the phone, I could hear the rapid beating of his heart. He claimed that there were people out to rob him or even kill him.

In addition to that, he sent a message to his mother asking her about the antibiotics that had been prescribed to him by the doctor.

According to the surveillance footage from that hotel’s CCTV system, Mittank could be seen acting flustered as he paced up and down the lobby, looked out the windows, and even hid in the elevator.

According to the reports, Mittank checked out of the hotel at one in the morning and came back later. To this day, nobody is aware of where he went during that period of time.

Lars Mittank Sudden Disappearance

On the morning of July 8, 2014, he flagged down a taxi in the wee hours of the morning, and the driver took him to Varna Airport. However, when an airport doctor was examining Mittank before he flew, he reportedly appeared “nervous and erratic,” and he was mistrustful of the drugs the physician had prescribed him. Mittank texted her mother to let her know that he had safely made it to the airport terminal.

After that, a strange occurrence took place. Later on, the doctor at the airport, Dr. Kosta Kostov, stated that when Mittank saw a construction worker enter the room, he began to shake and yelled, “I don’t want to die here. I have no choice but to leave this place. Lars Mittank eventually got up from the chair he had been sitting on at some point in the conversation.

After leaving the room, he dashed out of the terminal and across the forecourt of the building, leaving his wallet, cell phone, and luggage at the doctor’s office. A surveillance camera caught him on camera while he was scaling a fence. This was the last known location where Lars Mittank could be found.

After that incident, he was never located again anywhere. Nobody has ever been able to figure out why he ran away, what he might have been afraid of, or why he left all of his belongings at the doctor’s office in the airport. This mystery persists even to this day. No one is able to say for certain whether or not Lars Mittank is still alive.

Misunderstanding In the Progress of Lars Mittank Disappearance:

In the year 2019, approximately five years later, a truck driver in Dresden picked up an unknown hitchhiker and drove him to Schildow, which is located in the county of Oberhavel in Brandenburg, just north of Berlin. Later on, the truck driver learned about the Lars Mittank investigation, and he stated that the man he had taken to Schildow resembled an older version of the person who was missing whom he had seen in the picture.

Throughout the years, Sandra Mittank received messages and photographs from people all over the world. One of the photographs was taken in South America and featured a man who resembled Lars. Anton Pilipa, a Canadian humanitarian worker who had been reported missing five years earlier, was revealed to be the person in question.

At this point, Sandra Mittank, who is Lars’ mother, has been afflicted for more than seven years. She is doing everything in her power to get her son back, as she desperately wants to. For instance, she retained the services of a private investigator who conducted a search for Lars in Bulgaria. She appeared on German and Bulgarian television more than once.

And she is relentless in her efforts to disseminate information about it across Facebook and other social media platforms. She is optimistic, but she has a sneaking suspicion that her son is not in particularly good health right now. With his hair and beard growing out so long, he must have lost weight.


As time has passed and Lars Mittank has not been located, numerous theories regarding his disappearance have been sparked as a result of his final moments.

Bulgaria has the highest rate of human trafficking

Mittank is being investigated for possible involvement in human trafficking as a result of the fact that the incident took place in Bulgaria.

The number of people who are victims of human trafficking in Bulgaria is among the highest in the entire European Union. As has been documented over the course of the past five years, human traffickers in Bulgaria prey upon both Bulgarian citizens and visitors from other countries, and traffickers in other countries prey upon Bulgarian citizens.

The EU continues to see a significant amount of human trafficking coming from Bulgaria, making it one of the primary source countries. People are coerced into engaging in activities such as drug trafficking, adultery, and slavery. There are those who are coerced into having their organs removed.

Paranoid schizophrenic

It is possible that Mittank is suffering from a mental disorder as a result of his sudden strange behavior. This would explain why he believed he was being followed, as well as why he showed such a strong interest in the pills he had been given. People who are suffering from conditions such as paranoid schizophrenia will frequently refuse to take their medication because they don’t trust anyone and believe that other people are conspiring against them in some way, such as by poisoning them.

They are under the impression that someone is following them or that they are constantly being watched by others. In most cases, people don’t begin to experience symptoms of conditions like this until they are in their mid-to-late-twenties. After the fight had already taken place, it might have gone into effect. Perhaps this was the impetus that got everything rolling in the right direction.

According to his family, Lars did not have a history of mental illness prior to this, and there was no history of mental illness in his family. However, this does not rule out the possibility that he had some form of latent mental illness; it must have had its origins somewhere.

The medication’s side effects

It’s possible that the antibiotics he was prescribed caused some unwanted side effects. Unlikely. The following is a list of the potential adverse effects of the medication, none of which appear to have any connection to his actions and behavior:

  • Nausea
  • Diaper rash  
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Swelling of the face
  • Kidney problems
  • Yeast infection
  • Allergic reaction

In any event, Lars was already behaving in an unexpected manner when he invented the story that people had been paid to attack him (if he did make this up). And this was occurring prior to him being given them as a prescription.

Head Injury / Concussion

We are aware that Lars sustained an injury to his head. Is it possible that he sustained some kind of head injury or brain damage as a result of this, which led to his acting in such a manner? The fact that something similar has occurred in the past makes this at least somewhat likely. People who have suffered head trauma frequently display abnormal behavior after recovering from their ordeal.

The Mysterious Disappearance of Lars Mittank | by Mila ben | Apr, 2022 | Medium

Even though Lars had never experienced mental illness in the past and his family did not have a history of the condition, this does not rule out the possibility that head trauma played a role in causing Lars’ condition. Some individuals may continue to feel the aftereffects for many years, or even for the rest of their lives.

Lars Mittank’s Friends are to be blamed

It was said that Lars Mittank was a drug mule, but it has been stated, though it has not been confirmed, that his suitcase was searched after his disappearance and that no drugs were found. If this is true, then this theory has a significant gaping hole in it.

Instead, it is much more likely that his friends who flew back without him were the ones who had run drugs back to Germany, and that he stayed behind as some sort of insurance. This theory is supported by the fact that the likelihood of this happening is extremely high. And Lars Mittank bolted out of the airport after an airport official or a security official intervened in the middle of a medical examination performed on him by an airport doctor in order to speak with the doctor about something unrelated.

It is possible that he believed that his companions had been apprehended and that he himself was about to be taken into custody; as a result, he ran out of the airport without his luggage or his cell phone and hopped a fence.

His friends explained that he had a ruptured ear canal after a bar fight and that he was acting strange to be implausible; then why would they leave “a friend” alone in a foreign country who they assumed was acting weird? His friends believed that he was acting strange because he had a ruptured ear canal.

And claimed to have vanished for the duration of an entire night while on the trip. The application of common sense reveals that it is lacking. This story that he was “acting bizarre due to a ruptured ear canal” and that he then saw a doctor who, according to them, told him that he might have to stay in the country for 30 days is completely implausible.

As has been pointed out by others, he could have had a relatively simple outpatient procedure performed by an ENT, which would have allowed him to return to work right away. Why would he rather choose to spend an indeterminate number of days by himself in a foreign country? After his friends had returned to the United States, it is said that he checked into a seedy and inexpensive hotel. This hotel is the kind of place where a man involved in a drug-running operation might stay or be held until he is let go.

The doctor at the airport is the only person who can provide a reliable account of Lars’ behavior and state. The doctor said that Lars appeared emotionally drained, which is more consistent with this than the idea that he was experiencing some kind of psychosis.

People share missing-person flyers in a variety of languages, primarily German, Bulgarian, and English. These people have a variety of differing opinions on what happened to Mittank, and as a result, there are a variety of differing theories. Even if they subscribe to one of these hypotheses or another, they are all working toward the same objective, which is to bring Lars Mittank back to his house, where his loved ones and best friend have been patiently awaiting his return for the past seven years.

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